I think you all already know how much I love this family. I mean, who can resist all the cuteness?! This may be one of my favorite, favorite shoots… one of my favorite families in one of my favorite locations? Doesn’t get much better than that. Enjoy!
This much-loved little boy is joining a wonderful family. I went with simplicity for his newborn photos because he’s just all sweetness and chub… and I really didn’t want to distract from that! Isn’t he just wonderful? And that big brother of his? Have you ever seen such sweet curls on a little boy?!

Oh, my, that third picture. Wow. Almost gives me baby fever. Almost. 🙂
These are perfect!
If you follow me on facebook, you know that welcomed our second daughter on Feb. 24th. We are wildly in love with her and have been enjoying the sisterly love growing in our little home. I “returned to work”, albeit a bit slowly, on April 1st, so expect some updates to come with the most recent shoots! Here are a few from my own little one’s newborn shoot(s), it’s true when they say photographing your own little ones is harder than shooting everyone else’s!

A year ago, my very first blog entry of the new year was this sweet couple’s gorgeous New Year’s Eve wedding. And this year? I get to introduce the handsome, snuggly little man that they’ve brought into the world. I think the perfect way to begin my little maternity leave is to leave you with some adorable newborn photos.

Ashley Frazier - These photos are Amazing, Love!
Megan - LOVE the last one 🙂