
Matej & Chelsea’s Wedding {Wichita Wedding Photographer}


This wedding is an extra special one… and not just a little extra special, like really, really, really special.  My baby brother got married (certainly not a baby anymore, obviously!) to the beautiful, darling, love of his life. Shooting a wedding in the family is definitely a different experience, but I’m so glad I was able to be there for them and capture their first moments of marriage.  Congratulations, Matt and Chelsea!  We love you!

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Danielle & Todd’s Love Story {Wichita Engagement Photographer}


It’s funny how people come together.  Todd and Danielle are people from two different parts of my life and met in the town where much of my family still lives… such a random and fun connection.  Either way, they spent the entire shoot making each other laugh and looking ridiculously amazing (there was a breeze that followed us around just to blow Danielle’s hair, it seemed like).  Congratulations on your engagement, you two, I can’t wait for your wedding in December!


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Diane Zeller - Oh my goodness! These are some of the best pictures I have ever seen! Todd is my son, so of course I may just be a little partial. I really enjoyed looking at them and have looked at them several times. Fantastic photography!

The Marciniak Family {Wichita Family, Maternity, and Child Photographer}

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The last time I photographed this family, Miss Elzbieta was just a-growin’ in Mama’s tummy, and this time, there’s a brand new little life cooking in there.  How beautiful is that, that every time I see them, there’s a whole new life just getting started? This is why I love my job.  There were so many little things I loved about this shoot: how Thérèse wasn’t quite awake when we started, but she shared her sweet smile with me anyway; how Elzbieta’s tongue definitely preferred the “out” position; how we all ended up with pockets full of flowers from these sweet girls, how much Dan obviously adores his girls; how Brandi just glowed with the anticipation of new life within her; oh, and definitely how Thérèse went in for what we thought was a kiss… and ended up in a lick!


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Raquel and Jon: The Proposal


That’s right, my friends, a proposal.  I got to go all secret agent, undercover photographer and hide behind a giant wooden bear (yep, for real), as Jon proposed to the lovely Raquel.  It was beautiful, and their delight in being engaged was contagious. The icing on the cake was getting to trek back with them to tell her family and friends afterwards… even more joy!  Congratulations, you two, I couldn’t be more happy or excited for you!

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Engaged: Raquel’s Side | Story of a Rose - […] (for more photos, check out Alzbeta’s website: Voboril Photography) […]

Miss Madison’s Newborn Photos

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Oh, sweet little peanut, Madison.  Isn’t she beautiful?  I love that I got this chance to continue this little miss’ story. She loves her sleep, but only in the daytime, and definitely snuggled up in a swaddle or next to mommy or daddy.  We got a little bit of everything with this shoot.  Some sweet, more formal, portraits, as well as (my favorites) some snuggling up with Mommy and Daddy.  I can’t wait to see this little girl grow!

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