
A Birth: Meeting Madison

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Births are intimate in a way none of the other things I have photographed are.  And this one?  Such a beautiful thing to witness.  Nikki called me in the evening, asking if I had any plans as she let me know her water had just broken.  Immediately, the adrenaline kicked in, and while I was home much of the night, I mostly laid in bed and watched my phone, waiting for the right time to head to the hospital.  After hearing from Ryan that things were slow for the moment and they were going try try to rest for a little while, I made sure my things were together and laid down as well.  Moments later, I got the text that things had gotten intense very fast, and Nikki went from a 5-10 in just minutes (this is fast, very fast, for those who aren’t familiar with births).  I was dressed, gear in hand, and in the car in minutes.  As I drove through the snowy, slushy, streets (thank you, Colorado in April) I kept thinking, “I’m going to miss it, I’m going to miss it, I can’t believe I’m going to miss it!”

Thank heavens, I didn’t miss it.  Let’s let the photos tell the rest of the story:


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Miss Madison’s Newborn Photos | Voboril Photography - […] Isn’t she beautiful?  I love that I got this chance to continue this little miss’ story. She loves her sleep, but only in the daytime, and definitely snuggled up in a swaddle or next to […]

Hillary and Ted’s Love Story Continued {Denver Wedding Photographer}


I know brides are often warned that their wedding day won’t be perfect, but it truly felt like this one was!  It was absolutely the best wedding to come back to after taking a year off from shooting weddings.  Everything from getting ready with her sisters surrounding her with love and support, to the last dip amidst bubbles galore at the end of the evening was just… perfect.  There were sweet little gems of moments that made the day sparkle, and I started to list them all, but I think that may take a little longer than you want to read, so hopefully my photos can tell some of those stories all by themselves.  Congratulations, Hillary and Ted!  I truly wish you nothing but joy in your marriage!



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Annemarie {Denver Newborn Photographer}


My friends.  I must admit, I am really proud of these images.  I have slowly edged my newborn photography into a bit more of the life-style style, and I am loving the real-ness of this shoot.  Ed and Diane are such natural parents… they were both calm, sweet, and beautifully unhurried with little Annemarie.  Watching them soak up every last drop of newborn sweetness just brought my own heart back to those first weeks of my own babies.  And watching Daddy holding his teeny little Miss?  Just perfection.

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Laird at 6 months {Lakewood Family Photographer}


Isn’t this little guy sweet?  We were lucky enough to get a warm January day; unfortunately, that warmth did not extend to the wind that whipped up and chilled my new little friend.  We moved on to his darling nursery to finish up.  (It’s bicycle themed, because his parents both compete in triathlons… I’m kind of in love with it!)

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Laird at One Year {Lakewood family and child photographer} | Voboril Photography - […] is always a blast to get to see little ones grow up.  Remember Laird from six months ago? I got to meet up with his lovely family to document reaching the one year […]