This wedding was… perfection. It was completely steeped in tradition as Mollie wore her grandmother’s dress and her mother’s diamond in her ring, but the day was definitely tailored to this couple. Mollie wore amazing blue shoes with peacock feather, gave her bridesmaids bangles touched to the Holy Sepulchre and the groomsmen brought along a fire truck, because, yes, the groom and his groomsmen are all Estes Park volunteer firefighters.
And did I mention that my family was there, too? See, my husband and Mollie were next door neighbors and playmates for several years before my husband’s family moved to Colorado and then we all re-connected (or just plain connected in my case) in college. Not only was I photographing the wedding, but my husband’s father was presiding over the vows. This is actually the second wedding I’ve gotten to be a part of that combination, and it’s so much fun!
Okay, enough talk, just go soak in this amazing wedding. You’re going to love it as much I did, I just know it.

Niko-niko waratte kudasai! - So much beauty and joy. These are marvelous Alzbe.